

Solutions by Theme

GEO leads global initiatives that explore our planet’s ecological health, climate challenges, disaster readiness, resource optimization, urban sustainability, and public health priorities. By integrating Earth observations with global frameworks like the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Paris Agreement, and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction, GEO demonstrates its commitment to fostering a healthy, sustainable, and resilient world.

GEO Activities

GEO serves as a transformative force, uniting governments, businesses, scientists, local communities, and other various stakeholders in the pursuit of integrated Earth Observation (EO) solutions for informed decision-making. With its unique blend of members & partners, GEO harnesses diverse perspectives to address various global challenges. Driven by the Post-2025 Strategy, “Earth Intelligence for all,” GEO is committed to co-producing actionable insights with and for its diverse user base. As we navigate complex environmental and climate challenges, GEO’s dedication to openness, collaboration, and inclusivity ensures that Earth Intelligence remains accessible and beneficial to all.

  • Sustainable Development Goals

    Leveraging Earth observations, GEO helps to enhance our journey towards achieving the SDGs, streamlining the progress and precision.

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  • Climate Action 

    Beyond extreme weather shifts, GEO’s broad Earth observations help drive informed policies for effective climate change responses.

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  • Disaster Risk Reduction

    GEO utilizes Earth observations to enhance disaster preparedness, mitigating damages and fostering quick recoveries.

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  • Resilient Cities & Human Settlements

    With an eye on evolving urban landscapes, GEO helps shape resilient and future-ready cities through transformative Earth observations.

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Explore GEO Work Programme

GEO Incubators

Incubators are experimental integration efforts between GEO Work Programme activities and other partners, under specific thematic areas and across the Earth observation value chain. The incubation goal is to co-design demand-driven, integrated solutions to pressing and complex global challenges

Global Ecosystems Atlas

The Global Ecosystems Atlas will bring together high-quality global, regional and national ecosystem maps into a single, open, online resource. Presenting the extent, structure and function of the world’s ecosystems in unprecedented detail, the Atlas will enable everyone—from governments to individual citizens—to take action to protect nature.

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Global Ecosystems Atlas

Global Heat Resilience Service

GEO is joining forces with partners around the world to develop the Global Heat Resilience Service, aiming to help every city understand the dangers of extreme heat. With this transformative service, cities will be able to access valuable data, information, and insight to develop better plans for managing extreme heat events, protect people’s health, and reduce the impact on local economies.

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Global Heat Resilience Service