01 November, Tuesday
16:00 - 17:30 (LT)
Room 117a

Open Knowledge and GEO Knowledge Hub

The GEO Knowledge Hub (GKH) GEO Knowledge Hub (earthobservations.org) is the central cloud-based digital library providing access to Earth Observations applications developed by the GEO Work Programme Activities. The GEO Knowledge Hub is part of the GEOSS Infrastructure and helps the Group on Earth Observations (GEO) to advance Open Knowledge.The scope of the GKH is to promote the replicability and re-usability of EO Applications by sharing with the end users, all the Knowledge Resources essential to fully understand and re-use them.

Participants to the side event will learn what the GEO Knowledge Hub can offer from a user and knowledge provider perspective as well learn from the experience of knowledge providers who are using it to share their reproducible knowledge.

Moderator: Florian Franziskakis (GEO Secretariat)

  • GEO Knowledge Hub Introduction – Open Knowledge statement- Florian Franziskakis (GEO Secretariat)
  • GEO Knowledge Hub – The importance of reproducible knowledge,
    • Users perspective– & Knowledge provider perspective – Felipe Carlos (Consultant GEO Secretariat/INPE)
  • GEOSS Platform to implement SDG 15.3.1 – including replicability, reproducibility and reusability (Joost Van Bemmelen/Alessandro Scremin)
  • GEO Knowledge Hub role in the National Engagement mechanism – Ernest Acheampong (GEO Secretariat)
  • Perspective of a Knowledge Provider – Digital Earth Africa – Samantha Musinzi (RCMRD)
  • EO Toolkit for Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements – Orestis Speyer – (NOA)
  • Questions- Discussion with speakers

Speakers & Panelists

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