GEO is a voluntary organization and depends on the interest and energy of the international Earth observations and geospatial communities to reach its goals. It seeks to provide a supportive and enabling environment for gender, generational and geographical diversity, including indigenous groups and youth.
Current Opportunities
Assistant Project Officer
Fixed Term PositionAssociate Project Officer
Fixed Term PositionCountry Engagement Specialist
Short Term ConsultancyHow To Contribute
There are many ways in which nations, organizations and individuals can contribute to the success of GEO.
For Member Governments
Why Join GEO?
- Ensure that the interests of their countries and regions are represented in GEO, this means aligning Earth observation investments and activities with national priorities.
- Influence the technical and policy decisions and contribute to the GEO Work Programme.
- Shape the overall direction of GEO through participation in the GEO plenary and the participation in the Executive Committee and Programme Board.
- Benefit from the global community of Earth observation experts to help their nations learn from and share knowledge in the area of the engagement priorities.
Membership in GEO is open to all member States of the United Nations and to the European Commission. All members fit within an existing regional caucus. The regional caucuses nominate members for the Executive Committee on an annual basis.
GEO does not require compulsory annual fees. Members are encouraged to contribute financially in addition to providing secondments and leveraging existing programmatic resources to support GEO.
For Participating Organizations
Why Join GEO?
- Influence technical and policy decisions and contribute to the GEO Work Programme.
- Shape the overall direction of GEO through participation in the GEO Plenary and Programme Board.
- Benefit from the global community of Earth observation experts to help your organization learn from and share knowledge in the area of the engagement priorities, namely regarding climate change, disaster risk reduction and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
GEO welcomes intergovernmental, international, and regional organizations with a mandate in Earth observation or related activities. GEO does not require compulsory annual fees. Members and Participating Organizations are encouraged to voluntarily contribute financially in addition to providing secondments and leveraging their existing programmatic resources to support GEO.
Associates & Private Sector
Eligible organizations for inclusion in the new category include companies and national associations of companies, as well as non-governmental, not-for-profit and civil society organizations that have a mandate related to Earth observations and that are registered in the territory of a GEO Member country.
Successful candidates for GEO Associate status will demonstrate two or more years of substantive involvement with GEO, and identify their self-funded and sustained contribution to GEO.
Secretariat staff would be pleased to explain the various opportunities available and help you to find the best match for your interests.