

GEO is an intergovernmental partnership that works to improve the availability, access, understanding and use of Earth observations for the benefit of society.

How we work

GEO’s member governments, participating organizations and associates work together to develop and implement Earth observations projects and initiatives that address global environmental and societal challenges. GEO’s global engagement priorities include supporting the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Paris Agreement on Climate and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. However, other work is also undertaken with respect to the Aichi Targets, the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Minamata Convention and the New Urban Agenda through the activities of the GEO Work Programme.

Geo Partners

Membership in GEO is open to all member States of the United Nations and to the European Commission. Membership in GEO is contingent upon formal endorsement of the 2016-2025 Strategic Plan. All members belong to one of the five regional caucuses (Africa, Asia and Oceania, America, Europe and CIS)

GEO’s Member governments welcome the engagement of Participating Organizations. The participation of intergovernmental, international and regional organizations with a mandate in Earth observation or related activities is subject to the approval by the Executive Committee. Membership and Participation in GEO is also contingent upon formal endorsement of the 2016-2025 Strategic Plan.

The GEO Associates category enables commercial and non-governmental, not-for-profit and civil society organizations to join governments and international organizations as official GEO collaborators. GEO Associates are important partners in enabling the application and use of GEO’s global solutions at regional and local scales

How To Get Involved

GEO’s member governments, participating organizations and associates work together to develop and implement Earth observations projects and initiatives that address global environmental and societal challenges. GEO’s global engagement priorities include supporting the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable

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