13 June, Tuesday
17:00 - 18:15 (LT)
Obasi Room

Flash Talks: Enablers for scaling the impact of the GEO Work Programme

GEO recognizes that the societal benefits and impact arising from Earth observations will be fully realized through full and open access to data, science, information, knowledge, products, and services. It also recognizes that to develop global equity, there is a need to ensure resources and opportunities are used to create equal outcomes in communities with varying needs. With reaffirmed commitment to promote full and open access to data and tools, GEO has also promoted knowledge sharing and application of services to empower users in sound decision-making and enable economic opportunities and good governance.

After a short introduction on GEO’s impact approach, this session will showcase 4 GEO Work Programme activities about the (existing/emerging/ intended) impacts on end users and their respective enablers that (will) lead to success, followed by a presentation on the e-shape co-design methodology. A facilitated discussion on tools and support that should be developed to enable the GEO Work Programme activities further scale their impact.


Speakers & Panelists

Joost Teuben

Capacity Building Coordinator (Virtual secondment from the Netherlands)
Joost Teuben
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