01 November, Tuesday
16:00 - 17:30 (LT)
Committee Hall 2

AfriGEO Symposium - Session 6: Data and Infrastructure

This session shall look at existing infrastructure, barriers to data sharing, best case scenarios of data access, and where we need to be going as Africa.

Moderator: Matthew Pennells

Rapporteur: Stella Masese and James Wanjohi


  1. Geonet cast- Ethiopian Meteorological Institute, Tsegaye Ketema
  2. Agriculture Data Localization, RCMRD Anastasia Wahome
  3. Africa GEO Portal, ESRI, Pauline Okeyo
  4. Africa Knowledge Platform, European Commission-Joint Research Center, Steven Peeddell
  5. GEO Knowledge Hub, GEO Data working Group, Florian Franziskakis and Ernest Acheampong
  6. Research and Education Networks (RENs), Africa Connect 3, Yousef Torman



  • Existing data infrastructure at national and regional challenges
  • Existing data access and data sharing mechanisms
  • Role of data in addressing several development challenges
  • Data connectivity and Accessibility challenges


  • Data democratization
  • Data access and sharing policies and frameworks
  • Increased discoverability of existing EO content and connecting the geospatial community.

Speakers & Panelists

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