31 October, Monday
09:00 - 10:30 (LT)
Room 117a

Open data policies global overview and focus in Africa

The adoption of data sharing and open data policies in the African continent is not fully implemented. The side event will constitute the occasion to fully focus on the African continent and identify further steps with respect to understand and promote these important GEO Principles.


  1. Data Sharing Principles, what does it mean being a GEO Member? What are the challenges and benefits? speaker: Anastasia Wahome (Co-Chair of the DWG)
  2. Ongoing Efforts by the Data Working Group on advancing Data Sharing and Data Management principles, Dialogue series, Self Assessment Tool – Marie Francoise Voidrot, Bente Bye, Lionel Menard (Pre-recorded speakers)
  3. Overview of the Global situation and focus in Africa – speaker: Alex de Sherbinin (Columbia University)
  4. Copernicus in Africa – Stephene Peedell (JRC)
  5. SERVIR West Africa experience with open data - speaker: Gumma Murali Krishna and Mansour Mahamane - ICRISAT & Agrhymet
  6. Accessibility and Interoperability for water quality data - WMO Experience - speaker: Igor Chernov (WMO)
  7. Data access: challenges/gaps encountered by GEO Work Programme activities - speaker: Emily Smail (Blue Planet, NOAA)
  8. GEOSS Platform – of real added value for the different GEO Communities
  • AfriGEO(SS) Community Portal (GEOSS Platform of added value for different African communities)
  • Autonomous Community Portal set-up customized to your specific case(s)

Speakers: Joost Van Bemmelen (ESA) / Alessandro Scremin (RHEA)

Speakers & Panelists

Murali Gumma

Head of Remote Sensing/Geographic Information System unit
Murali Gumma

Emily Smail

Executive Director of GEO Blue Planet / Head of U.S. office, GEO Blue Planet
Emily Smail
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