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Post-2025 GEO Work Programme


The Post-2025 GWP comprises Conveners, Research to Operation (R2O) Pipeline Activities and Enabling Mechanisms, as illustrated in the graph below.

Post-2025 GWP Structure


Conveners are groups that serve as a community of practice, community of interest or working groups focused on the facilitation or exploitation of EO and Earth Intelligence applications. Conveners capture activities that do not fit in the R2O pipeline. They are not necessarily focused on developing a specific tool, application, or service and transitioning it into a sustained or operational product. Conveners should support connection and integration along the Focus Areas. Existing GEO Working Groups (namely Capacity Development Working Group, Climate Change Working Group, Data and Knowledge Working Group, Disaster Risk Reduction Working Group, and Resilient Cities and Human Settlement Working Group) will automatically become part of the Convener category and will not require separate approvals.

Research to Operation (R2O) Pipeline


Pilots are activities proposed in the GWP that are at the initial or early stages of concept formulation and proof-of-concept for a proposed product, tool or service focused on the application of EO data. Pilots should clearly and succinctly aim to address demonstrated needs around a pre-specified user base and stakeholders that will be supported by further development of the proposed concept, that fall within the main goals, scope, and focus areas of the GWP and wherever possible, build linkages across existing GWP efforts.


Initiatives are activities proposed in the GWP, typically having undergone the Pilot stage, whose product, tool or service focused on the application of EO data and relevant technologies, have been validated and demonstrated in relevant environment and are creating a system prototype in near-operational mode. Within their defined domains, Initiatives help to transition innovative results and prototypes from the research community into Earth observation-based products and services to support a wide range of users. Initiatives also build communities of stakeholders that work together to develop capacity with these communities to maximize the value of the products and services being developed. They are fully established components of relevant Focus Areas and actively pursue further linkages within the Focus Areas and across existing GWP efforts.


Flagships constitute the last stage of the R2O pipeline and are those activities whose actual systems have been completed, qualified and operated in real conditions with users to receive final “flight proof”. However, they are still advancing in terms of long-term sustainability and final establishment, in full consultation with users and stakeholders. They are fully established components of relevant Focus Areas and actively pursue further linkages within the Focus Areas and across existing GWP efforts.

Mature Flagship:

In the case of a Flagship that represents fully operational and sustained services that have reached a high level of maturity and independence and have advanced enough to be launched beyond the R2O process, then it remains in the GWP as a Mature Flagship, maintains the GEO brand, exploits further opportunities for advancement and synergy as well as also serve as examples of best practices to follow.


Accelerators are a specialized category of activities within the R2O pipeline, designed to fast-track high-priority projects or respond to critical external demands. They serve as a catalyst for rapid development and enhanced integration of EO data applications and build on partnerships from within the GWP and beyond. Accelerators can be identified from any of the other categories, and beyond:

  • Pilots: e.g., accelerate proof-of-concept phases;
  • Initiatives: e.g., fast-track prototype development;
  • Flagships: e.g., support roll-out of the product or service in new countries, regions; and
  • Mature Flagships: e.g., enhance further advancement and synergy.

The Accelerator category was introduced building on GEO’s experience in developing and implementing incubators. Projects in the Accelerators category will require additional support. Application of Accelerators will open after the GEO Global Forum 2025 subject to resource availabilities.

Enabling Mechanism

Enabling Mechanisms are selected tasks that provide important support functions to the R2O pipeline activities, conveners and accelerators to optimize their work and grow in the GWP Structure.