01 November, Tuesday
09:00 - 10:30 (LT)
Main Auditorium

Youth Track: "Road to GEO Post-2025"


This topic shall be led by the Post 2025 Working group to address feedback that needs to be included in the post 2025 strategy for GEO that is being developed. The session shall be welcoming for all. Documentation on this shall be shared in advance to think through the inputs. The session is co-organized by RedClara, WACREN, ARSEN, GEANT and the GEO Secretariat.

Overall questions that the session will address are:

  • How to make EO data and services available to everyone, especially early career scientists and youth?
  • How to strengthen youth engagement in GEO activities and the GEO governance structure?
  • How should a post-2025 GEO look like from a youth perspective?


Regional Feedback for the strategy document: what is missing, what needs to be considered Identify avenues to engage young people and early career academia to participate in GEO activities.


  • Improved post 2025 Strategy document for GEO that includes insights from a youth perspective


  • Setting the scene
  • Work of the Working Group to date and the process of developing the post-2025 Strategy
  • Input from a youth perspective
  • Interactive exchange on GEO Post-2025
  • Conclusion and closing

Speakers & Panelists

Andreas Obrecht

GEO Post-2025 Working Group and Engagement Coordinator
Andreas Obrecht
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