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Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

GEO Week 2022

The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Subgroup of the GEO Programme Board supports the strategic aim of developing GEO as an institution that provides a fair, supportive and encouraging networking environment that insures that equality, diversity, and inclusivity are fully considered, addressed, and embedded within GEO activities and decisions.

To that end, the EDI subgroup and GEO Secretariat encourage diversity and inclusion in GEO Week plenary sessions and side events. We recommend that session organizers:

  1. Include conveners and speakers from multiple countries and institutes, preferably with a diverse representation of GEO-member countries;
  2. Have conveners and speakers from different career stages, including at least one early career speaker (but not only early career); and
  3. Include conveners and speakers that represent more than one form of gender identity.