Luciano Concezzi
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- Luciano Concezzi
Luciano Concezzi was born on March 25, 1965 in Terni Italy.
He is an Agronomist and PhD in Soil Chemistry. During his PhD, in 1994, he carried out research activities at the Department of Agronomy - Crop, Soil & Environmental Sciences - Purdue University, Indiana, U.S.A.
From 1995 to 1997 he collaborated with the Italian Association for the World Wildlife Fund (WWF Italy) carrying out management activities and environmental education activities at the Alviano Lake Oasis by setting up and managing an educational laboratory aimed at studying food chains in wetlands.
From 1998 to 2002 he collaborated with I.T.C. S.r.l. and Biotechnology B.T. s.r.l. carrying out research on the biochemical characterization of active ingredients produced by entomopathogenic microorganisms and on the characterization and determination of natural antioxidants (polyphenols) on tobacco varieties. Scientific manager of the project concerning variety tests of Rapeseed as a renewable energy source for the production of biodiesel and biolubricants.
From January 2003 to December 2022, he has been the head of Innovation and Research area of 3A-Agrifood Technology Park (3A-PTA). In this role he managed innovation and technology transfer projects with the involvement of companies in the agricultural, agri-food and environmental sectors. In particular, he carried out and coordinated project activities aimed at the protection of biodiversity of agricultural interest and at the enhancement of local agri-food production in the regional (under the Rural Development Plan 2000-2006, 2007-2013, 2014-2020), national and international context (Interreg, VI & VII European framework program for research and technological development and Horizon 2020). In this role he coordinated the following services:
- Support service to the Umbria Region for updating the Regional Integrated Waste Management Plan.
- Support service to the Umbria Region for the Regional Strategy for Sustainable Development in line with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs of the United Nations 2030 Agenda.
- Innovation Support service for Measure 16, Cooperation (EU Reg. No. 1305/2016 - art. 35) with particular regard to intervention 16.1 (establishment and management of the operational groups of the European Innovation Partnership in the field of agricultural productivity and sustainability EIP-AGRI) and intervention 16.2 (creation of business networks and innovative pilot projects) of the Umbrian Rural Development Plan 2014-2020, https://www.piumbria.com/.
- Service for the implementation of the intervention 10.2.1 Safeguarding of regional biodiversity of agricultural interest of the 2014-2020 Umbria RDP, https://biodiversita.umbria.parco3a.org/. The services were entrusted to 3APTA by the Umbria Region.
Since January 2023 he has been the Director of R&D Unit of Team Dev s.r.l.
At the moment he is project manager for the Service - S4 - 06 Green urban areas characterization of the “IRIDE Service Segment Design Implementation and Deployment” – TeamDev srl is providing an external service to the lead partner Planetek srl.