Julien Rebetez

Julien Rebetez

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Julien Rebetez received the MSc degree in Information and Communication Technologies from the University of Applied Science Western Switzerland (HES-SO) in 2012. After an internship at Google during his studies, he worked for 4 years as a R&D engineer focused on Machine Learning at HEIG-VD, working on a number of remote sensing data analysis projects. 

In 2016, he joined MindMaze as a Senior Software Engineer working on a range of technologies from low-level C to Unity 3D games. He joined Picterra in 2018 where he works on the Picterra Platform, both on Software Architecture and on the underlying Machine Learning. He has also contributed to a number of machine learning / data science open source projects and is generally interested about the latest findings in Machine Learning research, especially when applied to geospatial imagery.

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