Space for Climate Observatory call for projects
15 Oct 2024

Space for Climate Observatory call for projects

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The Space for Climate Observatory (SCO) has announced its latest Call for Proposals, inviting innovative minds and organisations to join them in transforming the landscape of climate action.

This is your chance to be part of a global movement that leverages the power of Earth observation data to develop operational tools addressing the urgent challenges of climate change and create a powerful combination with valuable in situ data.

SCO projects related to ocean issues are particularly welcome in the run-up to the United Nations Conference on the Oceans (UNOC) in June 2025.

Driving change

SCO recognises the untapped potential of satellite data and its ability to drive tangible change. They are seeking visionary partners from industry, public entities and scientific institutes to collaborate with them in creating operational tools that make a real difference in climate monitoring, mitigation and adaptation.

The goal is to bridge the gap between data and end-users, empowering local decision-makers and the wider public to take informed actions.

Mandatory criteria for the proposals include:

  1. Alignment with local needs: Demonstrating a clear understanding of the specific requirements and challenges faced by local communities and decision-makers.
  2. Integration of satellite data: Utilising Earth observation data to provide actionable insights and solutions that contribute to climate monitoring, mitigation, and adaptation efforts.
  3. Collaboration and partnership: Fostering cross-sector collaboration, involving scientists, space sector players, civil society, and other relevant stakeholders to ensure comprehensive and impactful outcomes.
  4. Scalability and replicability: Designing tools and models that can be scaled to national and local levels, enabling widespread adoption and customization to meet diverse requirements.
  5. Digital first: Provide the digital solution in the form of a webGIS.

Selected projects will become part of SCO's ambitious portfolio, gaining access to a vast network of more than 400 institutions worldwide. This initiative fosters research, innovation, and social spin-offs, propelling your project towards success and amplifying its impact on a global stage.

For more information, please read the FAQ.

To submit a proposal, please, download this application form and send completed forms to before the deadline of 17 November.