Space for Climate Observatory adds 33 tools and resources to GEO Knowledge Hub
28 May 2024

Space for Climate Observatory adds 33 tools and resources to GEO Knowledge Hub

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The Space for Climate Observatory (SCO), created in 2017 during the first One Planet Summit, has added dozens of new tools to the GEO Knowledge Hub – with more to come. These resources, available now in the SCO Community, will be essential for anyone working on climate monitoring, mitigation, and adaptation.

Why is this important now?

Our planet is struggling with the growing effects of climate change. Data from satellites, along with data collected on the ground, is vital to help us monitor and analyze climate and environmental changes, both in real-time and over time, at local and global levels.

The advanced algorithms that process this data are extremely powerful tools that the GEO community can now use, thanks to this collaboration between SCO and the Group of Earth Observation (GEO).


Powered by radar satellite data, the TropiSCO interface provides a near-real-time view of global tropical deforestation. © TropiSCO

Who can this work help?

SCO’s tools, which are developed at country level, feature simple display interfaces and can be replicated in other geographical areas. SCO’s resources are already used and recognised by international technical and scientific communities around the world. The GEO Knowledge Hub is the perfect medium for making these tools more accessible.


With the BandSOS interface, the Flood Forecasting and Warning Centre in Bangladesh can view water levels in the Bengal Delta in real time, in order to anticipate cyclonic flooding. With open-source code, this solution can be applied anywhere in the world. © BandSOS

How will users of these tools benefit?

The GEO Knowledge Hub is home to essential, structured content on solutions to local problems across different thematic areas, with the common denominator being the need to monitor, mitigate and adapt to climate change.

What next?

Thirty-three tools and services from SCO projects are already available on the GEO Knowledge Hub, ready to use, with many more to be made available in due course. Be sure to bookmark SCO Community.

About Space for Climate Observatory

The Space for Climate Observatory is an international initiative launched in 2019 to combat and adapt to the impacts of climate change using satellite data. To find out more, visit:

Space For Climate Observatory