04 May, Wednesday
15:00 - 16:30 (LT)

Global Systems for Local Solutions: Opportunities and Challenges for GEOSS (EAG Consultation)


As a result of the 2021 GEO Midterm Evaluation, an Expert Advisory Group on GEOSS (EAG) was established in 2022 aiming to assess whether the concept of GEOSS continues to be relevant to the GEO Mission and GEO should continue to serve as a provider of geospatial information and services infrastructure. Therefore, the EAG Consultation session serves to directly engage the GEO community and, by this, support the assessment of EAG.

The session addresses users of the GEOSS and data providers to share success stories on how GEOSS was utilized to provide local and regional solutions for environmental and/or socio-economic decision making. By this, the session aims discussing the potential and limitations of global system for local applications. After a short introduction to the work of the EAG, two presentations underpinning users and providers perspectives, followed by a poll aiming to better understand the utilization, potential and limitation of GEOSS, currently in future. Based on the presentations and poll results, the overall discussion will address aspects like data provision/access/sharing, infrastructures, user needs, user support, evolving new technologies etc in the context of GEOSS for local and regional applications.

Session Co-Chairs:

Joerg Helmschrot - (GEOSEC)



15:00 - 16:30 (LT)
5 min

Welcome and aim of the session

Joerg Helmschrot - (GEOSEC)

5 min

Role of EAG

Joerg Helmschrot - (GEOSEC)

20 min

GEOSS Presentations and Q&A

  • Esther Ogbu - (Ghana)
  • GOS4M: Sergio Cinnirella – GOS4M - (Italy)
  • GEO MOUNTAINS: James Thornton - GEO-MOUNTAINS - (Switzerland)
15 min

Poll: GEOSS concept and utilization

Joerg Helmschrot - (GEOSEC)

40 min


5 min

Summary and closing

Speakers & Panelists

Carrie Stokes

United States
Geospatial Information Technology Advisor
Carrie Stokes
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