02 May, Monday
15:00 - 16:30 (LT)

From Global Action to Local Impact: How Do We Do That?


Achieving and demonstrating societal impact is high on the agenda of many national and international entities. How do we ensure objectivity and transparency when measuring impact?

Applying an impact approach for GEO’s activities showcases the evidence of the long-term achievements of GWP activities, makes the GWP accountable to the funder, PB, ExCom, and provides relevant information for accountability purposes and resource mobilization.

Avoiding backward reasoning during our impact assessment by having a well-designed impact and monitoring plan of our activities as of the beginning might be the solution.

This session focuses on creating more awareness of the relevance of an impact approach for GWP activities, sharing best practices on impact design and monitoring and exploring opportunities to strengthen and maximise the impact approach within GEO.

Session Chair:

Alison Craddock

Supporting documents



15:00 - 16:30 (LT)
5 min

Welcome, intro and programme

Alison Craddock – Capacity Development WG - (IGS)

15 min

Setting the floor

40 min

Presentations of concrete impact approaches

  • SERVIR’s user engagement and service planning process, Kenneth Kasera – AfriGEO - (RCMRD, Kenya)
  • User engagement and designing impact for EO and in situ data-based services in Africa on food security, weather, water and climate (TWIGA & Africultures), Mark Noort – Africultures - (HCP)
  • The Namunyak App for the Samburu community supporting the decision-making processes regarding their lands, Titus Letaapo – GEO Indigenous alliance – (TheSarara Foundation, Kenya)
  • Engaging Users for Crop Pest Monitoring Products, Wenjiang Huang – CROP-PEST-MONITORING - (AIRCAS)
25 min

Panel discussion and interaction with participants

  • Kenneth Mubea – Digital Earth Africa
  • Titus Letaapo – GEO Indigenous alliance - (The Sarara Foundation, Kenya)
  • Mark Noort – Africultures - (HCP)
  • Catherine Lilian Nakalembe – GEOGLAM – (NASA Harvest; University of Maryland)
  • Kenneth Kasera – AfriGEO - (RCMRD, Kenya)
5 min

Wrap-up and closing

Speakers & Panelists

Joost Teuben

Capacity Building Coordinator (Virtual secondment from the Netherlands)
Joost Teuben
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