03 November, Thursday
11:00 - 12:30 (LT)
Main Auditorium

GEO-18 Session 6: Collective Action on Oceans, Climate and Biodiversity

Session objective

This session aims to demonstrate how an integrated approach to Earth observations for oceans, climate and biodiversity can achieve impact.


Increased cooperation is needed to address the interrelated challenges of climate change and biodiversity in oceans. GEO Blue Planet will demonstrate how it is coordinating the development of tools and operational services that meet users and GEO members’ needs. In addition, a panel discussion will focus on engagement with governments in order to better support the alignment with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (UN CBD), the UN Decade for Ocean Science and other relevant processes.


Keynote by NOAA’s National Ocean Service on the outcomes of the UN Ocean Conference and expectations for UNFCCC COP27 and UN CBD COP15

Formal remarks by UNFCCC SBSTA / Democratic Republic of Congo

Presentation on the outcomes of GEO Blue Planet Symposium

Panel discussion with representatives of GEO Blue Planet, GEO Marine Biodiversity Observation, and Global Ocean Observing System

Session outcomes and recommendations

Speakers & Panelists

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