31 October, Monday
14:00 - 15:30 (LT)
Room 218

Digital Earth Global Session

Digital Earth programs seek to increase the value and impact of global Earth observation data by providing a free and open data infrastructure that provides operational products and services. This will empower governments and other sectors to make better decisions and drive action on issues related to climate change, food security, water resources, disaster management and more. It will also support countries towards achieving their national development priorities, and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Digital Earth has made progress including continental implementations in Australia and Africa, and developing programs in the Pacific and Americas.


Room 218

14:00 - 15:30 (LT)
5 min

Facilitator opening

45 min


  • DE Africa (Lisa Rebelo)
  • Pacific (SPC, Aditya)
  • Americas/Carribean (Paloma, INEGI)
35 min

Moderated discussion

Ask each participants to form a panel to respond to set and other questions

  • What are the win-win opportunites for collaboration between DE’s?
  • What are the key learnings so far and the messages for the GEO community?
  • How can the GEO community better support these initiatives?
5 min


Speakers & Panelists

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