
Group on Earth Observations – GEO Week 2022

Statement of GREECE

The Greek GEO Office (GGO), operating since 2007 as the national contact point for Earth Observation (EO) in Greece and as the main representative of the country in the Group on Earth Observations (GEO), focuses on the coordinated and effective participation of Greece in the global and regional activities of GEO and the maximization of synergies between the main EO players in Greece.

As we are standing at a crossroad for GEO evolution, in many aspects, significant decisions will be taken soon, mainly with respect to GEO post-2025, and for this GGO is following closely the developments and trends in the global policy landscape, to ensure the timely adjustment of strategy at the national level and optimization of its contribution to the international EO stage.

During the last years, GGO, apart from undertaking a leading role in laying the groundwork for “Resilient Cities and Human Settlements” to be established as the 4th Engagement Priority of GEO and initiating a GEO Pilot Initiative for the protection of urban heritage from the impacts of climate change, it has also put great effort in promoting the in situ data on par with satellite data and explore sustainable ways for their integration in the GEO community practices. Moreover, it is devoting resources on the exploitation of EO in support of official statistics (including but not limited to the implementation of the SDGs) and follows the relevant discussions taking place in diverse fora, to understand where we currently stand and what needs to be done to have the two communities converge further.

In order to progress the “from global to local impact” and the “from local need to global action” visions, it turns to be more than necessary to bring forward the discussion for establishing and coordinating national mechanisms, tailored per country needs and operations, that will enable direct engagement with the competent national stakeholders, in an effective and direct manner.

We are looking forward to contributing to as many existing and new challenges as we can.

— Dr. Evangelos Gerasopoulos (Director of the Greek GEO Office)