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Q & A

GEO Symposium and ODOK Workshop 2024

Q. What will be the format of the events?

A. The GEO Symposium and ODOK Workshop will be in-person events in China. Some sessions will be live streamed, but there will be no possibility for interaction. Details where to follow the live stream will be made available on the event's website.

Q. Do I need to pay to attend the symposium and ODOK?

A. No. The symposium and ODOK is free to attend.

Q. How and when do I register for the Symposium and ODOK Workshop?

A. Please register on the GEO website before 30 June 2024. Registration is mandatory for attending the events.

Q. Are there available funding opportunities for attending the Symposium and ODOK Workshop? How can I apply?

A. Individuals have the opportunity to request invitational travel support from the GEO Secretariat Trust Fund to attend the 2024 GEO Symposium and ODOK Workshop. This request is part of the registration process. The GEO Secretariat aims to prioritize funding for individuals actively contributing to the GEO Symposium/ODOK 2024, especially those from lower-income countries. In addition, equity, diversity, and inclusion will be considered to ensure wide representation at the events.

Q. I want to expose my work with a poster, do I need to prepare my poster before arriving at the Symposium?

A. Yes, it will not be possible to print a poster directly on-site.

Q. What can I do with a live demonstration?

A. You can showcase the functionality, effectiveness, application procedure and other features of your EO-based products and services through a screen in real-time to the audience. To do so, please register and indicate your interest.

Q. Can people outside of the GEO Work Programme propose and present a live demonstration/poster?

A. Yes, the call for demonstration and posters is open to the entire GEO community but will be prioritized for GEO Work Programme activities and Cloud Credits programme projects in case the number of proposals exceed the capacity of the exhibition area.

Q. I have questions regarding hotels, payment services in China, public transport, or places to visit near Hangzhou.

A. For all these topics, please refer to the practical information.