Hiroyuki Muraoka
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Prof. Hiroyuki Muraoka is Professor at River Basin Research Center of Gifu University; Group Leader, Biodiversity Collaborative Research Group, National Institute for Environmental Studies. He also serves as Technical Advisor, MEXT Japan. Hiroyuki is a physiological ecologist of terrestrial plant and ecosystem, and primarily focusing on the environmental response of photosynthesis and phenology which are responsible for both plant growth and ecosystem functions. His research fields are forest ecosystems in Japan and the High-arctic tundra ecosystem in Svalbard. Hiroyuki is currently a co-chair of Asia Pacific Biodiversity Observation Network (APBON; Task Group 2 of AOGEO), co-chair of Japan Long-Term Ecological Research Network (JaLTER), regional chair of International LTER network (ILTER; Participating Organization of GEO), a member of AOGEO Coordination Board, and also contributing to GEO Programme Board and GEO Climate Change Working Group.