Amadou Dieye
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Dr Amadou Moctar DIEYE is an Applied Geospatial Sciences expert and served over 25 years at Centre de Suivi Ecologique (CSE), as junior scientist, senior scientist and later as Technical Director.
CSE based in Dakar, Senegal, is an association of public utility working on environment and development themes. Over the time, CSE’s interventions have spread to several countries in Africa. CSE’s essential aim is to produce data and information that inform policies and programs at national, local, and regional levels.
Dr DIEYE holds a PhD in Geography with option on Geospatial Sciences and Remote Sensing (South Dakota State University, USA) in addition to a Diploma in Engineering on Surveys and Geographical works (ENSG, France), a Master’s degree in Geographic Information System (GIS) and International Development (Clark University, USA) and various Professional Certificates. He was awarded a NASA Earth and Space Science PhD Fellowship (NESSF), 2007/2008 for his Dissertation titled: "Land Cover Land Use Change and Soil Organic Carbon Under Climate Variability in Semi-Arid to Sub-Humid West African Sahel (1975-2050)".
His areas of expertise include GIS and mapping, assessment and modeling of environmental change, vulnerability and resilience of communities and ecosystems, carbon assessment and climate finance projects. His geographic experience spans several countries in West Africa and beyond. He supervised several PhD, Masters and Engineers theses and is author of numerous scientific publications and communications. Dr DIEYE served as vice-president of the National Committee for Climate Change of Senegal, where he contributed to several reports within the framework of the UNFCCC and led several State of Environment Reports. He is affiliated with several professional societies including the Executive Committee of the Intergovernmental Group on Earth Observation (GEO) as Geo Principal of Senegal, the Technical Advisory Group of the AfriGEO Working Group on Land Cover for Africa, and the Senegalese Association of Geomatics Professionals (ASPG) as co-chair.