Ryosuke Shibasaki

Ryosuke Shibasaki

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Dr Ryosuke Shibasaki is Professor of Center for Spatial Information Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan. He obtained a Ph.D. in remote sensing/GIS from the University of Tokyo in 1986. His working experiences include Research engineer at Public Works Research Institute, Ministry of Construction, Japan (1982-1988), Associate Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering (1988-1991) and the Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo (1991-98), Professor at the Center for Spatial Information Science (1998 to present. Director 2005-2010), the University of Tokyo.

His research interest covers mobile big data analysis for development, satellite/aerial imagery and sensor data analysis including automated mapping with deep learning, human behavior modeling/simulation and data assimilation of discrete moving objects.

He is also promoting use of personal information under the control of individuals. “Information bank” is a concept proposed by him (https://www.tedxtokyo.com/tedxtokyo_talk/information-bank/) .

He is a former President of Asian GIS Association, a former President of the GIS Association of Japan. He also served as a board member of Infrastructure Implementation Board of GEO, a steering committee member of World Data System of ICSU (International Council for Science). Currently, he works as a committee member on space policy of Cabinet Office of Japan, with the expertise of geospatial information technology and application development leveraged by space technology.

Ryosuke is a member of GEO DRR Working Group, supporting subgroup 2.


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