Haris Kontoes
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- Haris Kontoes
Haris Kontoes holds the position of Research Director in the Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics Space Applications and Remote Sensing of the National Observatory of Athens (NOA/IAASARS) and leads the Center for Earth Observation Research and Satellite Remote Sensing BEYOND (www.beyond-eocenter.eu). He received his Doctorate in Remote Sensing of the Environment (NTUA, 1992) holding a grant from the European Commission in the Institute for Space Applications of the Joint Research Centre at ISPRA (Environmental Mapping Group, JRC). Since 1992 he has been assuming responsibilities in managing Earth Observation operational & research projects, focusing on risk assessment and mitigation, disaster risk reduction, environmental resource management and sustainable development, agriculture and food security, energy and big data analytics for cross sector needs. He leads a multidisciplinary team of researchers with active participation in Space related projects funded by ESA, EC, COPERNICUS, GEO and International Funding Institutions (WB, EIB, etc). In his capacity as National Delegate he participates in Space Policy Boards and Program Committees (e.g. ESA PBEO, EC Space Program Committees (FP7, H2020), COPERNICUS Committee, Space Advisory Committee). As scientific director of BEYOND he has been coordinating the development and sustained operation of Copernicus Data Hubs (the Sentinel Greek Hub - http://beyond-eocenter.eu/index.php/web-services/sentinels-greekhub), as well as the operation of the Hellenic Sentinel Data Hub - http://sentinels.space.noa.gr) for the distribution of big Sentinel satellite data worldwide. He is assuming full responsibility for the Ground Segment facilities operated by NOA/BEYOND. He coordinates the GEO-CRADLE initiative for the uptake of Earth Observation and Copernicus in the regions of Mediterranean, N. Africa, Middle East, Balkans, and Black Sea. He is author of more than 200 publications in reviewed journals and scientific conferences. He is member of the editorial board of highly ranked Scientific Journals (IJPRS, IJRS, SENSORS, IEEE Geoscience and RS) and he is acting as member of the Advisory Boards of EU and ESA programs and initiatives. He speaks English, French and Italian.