Chuang Liu

Chuang Liu

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Dr. LIU Chuang is professor of Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IGSNRR/CAS), Editor-in-Chief of Digital Journal of Global Change Data Repository, Associate Chief Editor and Director of Journal of Global Change Data and Discovery, Director of Global Change Research Data Publishing and Repository, Regular Member of World Data System (WDS), Publication Center of China GEO, and Sub-center of National Science Center on Earth Obsecration. She is Secretary General of Big Data Working Committee of Geographical Society of China, PI of Geographical Indications Environment and Sustainability (GIES), a Joint 2021-2030 Decadal Program for implementation of UN SDGs and part of China Innovation on Science and Technology Program. She is National Member of Consultant Committee on ICT for the United Nations of the China Association of Science and Technology (CCIT/CAST). She had been leading the international group on Scientific Data Sharing in/for/with Developing Countries for bridging the digital divide for meeting the WSIS agenda for more than 20 years. She has published more than 300 digital datasets and was awarded the CODATA Prize in 2008; share the AAP PROSE Award for the GEO-6 of UNEP in 2020 and Outstanding Editor Prize of China Association for Science and Technology in 2021. She led the projects on GCdataPR and COVID-19 Knowledge and Data Hub were awarded WSIS Prize (2008, 2021, e-science, champion). She got her Ph.D. in Department of Geography of Peking University, China in 1989, she was Associate Professor of Peking University, China 1989-1991, Visiting Professor in Department of University of British Columbia, Canada 1992-1993, Information Scientist in Center of Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), USA from 1994-1998, and Professor of Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences since 1999.  

Her contact information is as following: email:, phone: 86-10-64889805 (o), 86-18500847217 (cell, wechat), URL:  

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