Foster Mensah

Foster Mensah

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Foster Mensah is the Executive Director of CERSGIS. He has worked with the Centre since 2000 when he was engaged as Senior Remote Sensing/GIS Applications Specialist on the World Bank-funded Ghana Environmental Management Project, commissioned by the Ghana Environmental Protection Agency to produce a national digital current land use land cover database for Ghana.  He has subsequently worked as project manager on a number of GIS/Remote Sensing related projects for the World Bank, UNDP, African Development Bank, and the Government of Ghana, and provided remote sensing and GIS support to a number of research projects. Notable among these projects are his involvement in the use of satellite imagery for the assessment of valley bottom rice production in Ghana, Satellite image-based land degradation mapping for Ghana, Farmer database, and cocoa farm mapping for environmental sustainability in Ghana, and development and management of a web based geodata portal for the ministry of Agriculture in Ghana. Foster currently working with Ghana’s Ministry of Agriculture on a proposed World Bank-supported project to develop Digital Advisory Services for Agriculture and Food Crisis Prevention & Management


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