Swadhin Behera

Swadhin Behera

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Swadhin K. Behera is a leading scientist in global ocean and climate research, especially known for the discoveries of several modes of tropical and extratropical climate variations such as the Indian Ocean Dipole, Indian Ocean Subtropical Dipole, El Nino Modoki, and Ningaloo Nino and their impacts on local weather as well as river discharge, agriculture, and health. After obtaining a Ph.D. degree from India and working for about 10 years at the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, he moved to the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) in 1998. Since then, he has been associated with various centers and programs of JAMSTEC, currently heads the Application Laboratory, and is an adjunct professor at OTPE, University of Tokyo. He has also been involved in the GWP activity, DIAS and currently a cochair of Digital Twins of the Ocean program of UN Ocean Decade.

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