Roberto Biasutti

Roberto Biasutti

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Roberto Biasutti: Born in 1963 in Switzerland, graduates in Aeronautical Engineer, specialist field: Avionics - Radar techniques, in 1992 at the University of Rome. Works for 9 years at Eurimage as Earth Observation Satellite Services Manager, responsible for Landsat data distribution in Europe. During this period, in 1993, creates the Earth Watching service, with the purpose to help local authorities and to promote the benefits of remote sensing data during emergencies (mainly ERS and Landsat), sending images and articles to newspapers, magazines and TV stations. In 1999, from the experience of Earth Watching, ESA started with CNES and CSA the International Charter Space and Major Disasters 

In 2001 joins the European Space Agency in the User Service and Mission planning office, working on the new-born Envisat mission for the data distribution and become the responsible for the hardware infrastructure introducing virtualization. In 2006 becomes the User Service domain responsible for Copernicus Sentinel-2 (phases A & B), requirements definition for the payload and the mission planning. 

In 2007 re-joins actively the International Charter as responsible for the On Duty Operator and Emergency on Call Officer services and, together with CSA, for the integration of new Charter members and in 2010 becomes a member of the Executive Secretariat.  

In 2016 is the responsible for the development of the Charter Operational System 2nd generation (COS-2), used by the Charter to manage all operations linked to the activations.  

From 2013 he’s the Third Party Missions PDGS Operational Manager for ESA, following a dozen of not ESA satellites missions in addition to the PROBA-V mission. 

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