Nico Caltabiano

Nico Caltabiano

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At the WCRP Secretariat, Nico is responsible for supporting WCRP’s modelling activities, particularly those covering the WCRP Science Objectives on “Prediction of the near and mid-term evolution of the climate system” and “Long-term response of the climate system”. Nico will provide support to a number of activities including the new "Earth System Modelling and Observational Capabilities" and "Regional Climate Information for Societies" “Core Projects”, working closely with other WCRP Secretariat staff.

Nico is an oceanographer, with a Masters degree in Ocean Remote Sensing at the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research and a PhD in Oceanography at the University of Southampton, UK.

Before joining the WCRP Secretariat, Nico was Deputy Executive Director of the International CLIVAR Project Office, and more recently Project Manager of the Klimapolis Laboratory and EU AQ-WATCH project at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, in Hamburg, Germany.