Michael Sparrow

Michael Sparrow

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Mike's responsibilities include polar issues, climate and oceans through the Climate Variability and Predictability project (CLIVAR), climate and cryosphere through the Climate and Cryosphere (CliC) project as well as being responsible for the WCRP Grand Challenges on Sea Level, Melting Ice and Global consequences and Near Term (decadal) Climate Prediction. He has also represented WMO at Antarctic Treaty Meetings.

Previously Mike was Executive Director of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR). During this time his role was to guide and implement SCAR's vision and objectives, develop and implement SCAR activities, assist in raising external funds, oversee SCAR's communications, represent SCAR at international meetings and manage the SCAR Secretariat. Prior to this he was a staff scientist with CLIVAR whilst also carrying out research in the Southern Ocean. He has also worked and lived in China and Spain.

Mike is a Southern Ocean physical oceanographer, with a PhD in Oceanography, a Masters degree in Atmospheric Sciences and a Bachelors in Physics.