Keren Asaba

Keren Asaba

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Keren Asaba is a Petroleum Geoscientist from Makere University and a Certified Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) pilot from the African Drone and Data Academy (ADDA) in Malawi. Keren works as a drone flight operator at TOA Custodian Nigeria Limited, a private company that deals with the provision of technical and management services in aviation, and oil and gas sector. She uses drones to collect data through surveillance, inspection, mapping and survey to make informed decisions about cover change and track human activities within the oil and gas facility plants. Prior to joining TOA Custodian, Keren worked with Uganda Fly Labs (WeRobotics) and OpenStreetMap Uganda where she used drone technology to support landslide victims in Bududa (Eastern Uganda) by mapping out areas with high fragility. She also worked with Geo-Information Communication (GIC), Uganda where some of her work involved collecting and analysing data for wildlife conservation. Keren is a member of Women in GIS (WiGIS) Uganda where she supports technology innovations using geospatial tools through trainings and peer to peer learning.

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