Monica Estebanez Camarena

Monica Estebanez Camarena

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Mónica Estébanez Camarena is a PhD candidate at the Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands, where she studies West African rainfall using Deep Learning and Earth Observation, to ultimately contribute towards food security in the region. Her PhD is part of the larger European Commission's H2020 TWIGA aiming to transform weather data into information services for sustainable growth in Africa. She holds a BSc in Aerospace Engineering from the Technical University of Madrid, Spain, a MPhil in Space Studies from the University of Cape Town, South Africa, and a MSc by Research in Visual / LiDAR Space Navigation from the University of Cranfield, United Kingdom. From 2019 to 2021 she led the project Schools and Satellites (SaS), that combined Citizen Science, Deep Learning and Earth Observation to improve rainfall information in the North of Ghana. SaS was funded by the European Space Agency as one of the pilot projects of the Citizen Science Earth Observation Lab ( Her main research interest is to use Earth Observation for the benefit of society and the planet.

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