Rashmi Sharma

Rashmi Sharma

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Rashmi Sharma holds a Ph.D. in Oceanography and M.S. in Physics and is currently working in the field of Physical Oceanography using numerical model and satellite data at ISRO. She is the primary or co-author of over 100 papers, with much of her work conducted on the Bay of Bengal region.  She is a subject matter expert on the use of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery for flooding on the CEOS-COAST Sea2Land Pilot Leadership and serves as the Bay of Bengal Region Lead, facilitating connections for successful collection of critical datasets and capacity building.  Her current and prior projects at ISRO include:  SAMUDRA, towards developing satellite-based applications for the societal needs  and future sensor definition. She has worked extensively with altimeter data from SARAL/AltiKa, ISRO-CNES mission and ISRO’s scatterometer missions. She is ISRO’s representative in CEOS-OSTVC and OSTST. She is the recipient of  ISRO’s Merit award, ISRO’s Team Excellence award, P. R. Pisharoty and Satish Dhawan award from Indian Society of Remote Sensing.