Eleni Athanasopoulou

Eleni Athanasopoulou

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Eleni Athanasopoulou holds a Bachelor Degree in Geology (NKUA, 2000), an M.Sc. degree in Environmental Physics (2003), and a Doctorate in Physics (2009) in the Physics dept. of the same univ. Her Ph.D. Thesis was upon the inorganic aerosol chemistry (incl. heterogeneous) during anthropogenic and natural interaction of pollutants over Greece (funded scholarship). Conducted parallel research within the activities of the Numerical applications in the atmosphere Group at the Environmental Physics & Meteorology Division of the same dept. and univ. Worked as a Post-Doctoral fellow at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (IMK-TRO) during 2010-2011 in the field of secondary organic aerosol modeling. She then took a post-doctoral grant (2012-2015) for the project “Chemical and physical processes of atmospheric Aerosol over the Aegean Sea during Etesian and Saharan events” (Action: "Support of Postdoctoral Researchers", co-financed by EU & GR), at the NKUA in collaboration to Manchester Univ., UK. She was a contract lecturer (2017-2018) for the undergraduate course "Atmospheric Pollution", at the Physics Dept, University of Patras (Greece). She has participated in more than 20 research projects, published more than 20 peer-reviewed articles (8 as a first author), and more than 30 publications in conferences. She is a member of the APCG group (IERSD/NOA) since 2011, conducting research on the impact of pollution extremes (e.g. anthropogenic smog, wild fires, domestic heating, dust intrusions) on aerosol composition and meteorology, climate and health aspects of air pollution, through numerical atmospheric modeling at the regional and local scales. She co-leads the Urban Resilience and Sustainable Urbanization Group of the Greek Geo Office since 2019.

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