Rhea Katsanakis

Rhea Katsanakis

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Rhea Katsanakis is a Programme Management Officer in the ‘Global Risk Analysis and Reporting Unit’ of the ‘Supporting and Monitoring Sendai Framework Implementation’ Branch in the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR). She is currently coordinating the work on the UN Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2022, which is the flagship report of UNDDR, and supports work on the Global Risk Assessment Framework in support of the implementation of the Sendai Framework for DRR, the SDGs and the Paris Agreement. She previously coordinated the Sendai Framework Data Readiness Review and led the development of the Sendai Framework Monitor Prototype. She led the pilot testing of Sendai Framework national policy indicators in eight countries, and works in a team on the development of indicators and relevant technical guidance documents to support member states in measuring progress, and as inputs to related intergovernmental processes and the work of stakeholders developing disaster-related statistics. From 2006 - 2013 she worked as Tsunami Officer and Programme Officer in the UNDRR Regional Office for Africa in Nairobi, Kenya, supporting African governments in measuring progress in disaster risk reduction and developing national risk reduction policies and plans. She has relevant field experience in 20 African countries, and has more recently supported work in Asia Pacific, Arab States, Central Asian and European countries. She holds a Master in Political Science, Sociology and Public Law.

Rhea is a member of GEO DRR Working Group, supporting subgroup 2, involved in Task 2.1 and 2.3.

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