Sandrine Mathieu

Sandrine Mathieu

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Sandrine Mathieu obtained a PHD thesis in "Physical methods for remote sensing" in 1994. In 1996 and 1997 she was a research assistant at university of Maryland (USA), in the UMIACS department in projects involving land use classification with spectral unmixing processing for the Grand Challenge Project of USGS.

From 2000 to 2021 she was part of the Thalès Alenia Space teams, working in the Observation Exploration and Navigation department. Her main studies and work focuses on environment and civil security applications especially regarding coastal zones problematic, e.g. 2D and 3D data fusion for scene interpretation. She is in charge of hyperspectral activities regarding processing and applications of images and databases.

She was part of the Copernicus Sentinel 3 program development, in charge of the technical specifications of the End-to-End Optical System Performance Simulator (OSPS), assessing the global performance of the system and providing test data sets to the operational Ground Segment.

In the Meteosat Third Generation team she handled the position of Instrument Quality Tool technical Manager, embedding Imaging and Sounding instruments (FCI, IRS, LI and UVN).

From 2018 to 2021 she held the position of Product Line Manager of the Meteorology, Environment and Oceanography missions within Thales Alenia Space. Gathering all satellite missions of these 3 domains in particular regarding Climate change problematic. She has the End to End system vision allowing to link the EO products and services to the appropriate space segment and processing. She is part of French COSPACE Applications working group. 

She is since 2022 the Deputy director of the Space Science Earth Observation department of the ACRI-ST company.

Participation in working groups