Armel Nzue Mba
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- Armel Nzue Mba
Mr NZUE MBA Armel, of Gabonese nationality and Head of Priority Thematic Service at the Gabonese Agency for Space Studies and Observations (AGEOS). Having obtained a Master in satellite image processing (Master IMAGE at the University of Rennes 2 in 2014), Armel quickly held the position of Engineer in Remote Sensing at AGEOS until 2020 where he was promoted Head of Service. As part of professional experiences related to the activity, he participated in the creation of an interactive platform for the National Land Use Plan in Gabon (PNAT V0) in 2015; in 2017 he was an active member for the definition of national targets for land neutrality in Gabon; in 2018 he was National consultant of the UNCCD for the drafting of the Gabon National Drought Plan and since 2019 he has been the Engineer in charge of the realization of the spatial grip of the villages of Gabon.