The Challenge
The ways in which humans impact the environment—the scale, severity, and types of impact—changes every day. Without the ability to understand, quantify, and assess human impact, all communities are at risk. However, there is currently a lack of open, inclusive, and consistent data that can help governments and decision-makers assess humanity's impact on the planet.
The Solution
Human Planet Initiative produces, integrates, and compares global datasets on the built environment and population, as well as their attributes. The data is used in socioeconomic pathways, to measure SDG indicators, compute exposure to hazards information, estimate emissions and demand for resources, and quantify global urbanization.
Datasets: Global Built-Up Spatial Grids Datasets: Global Population Spatial Grid Datasets: Population Projections Dataset: Global Human Settlements Datasets: Urban Center Database Datasets: Functional Urban Areas
Planned outputs of the initiative:
The 2020-2022 HPI plan included the following tasks.
- Global historical baseline data on population and built-up areas 1975-1990-2000-2015: Various sensors (MSS, TM, ETM), input spatial resolution (60, 30, 15 meters), integration with global EO-derived land cover and voluntary geographic information (OpenStreetMap) for driving the automatic machine learning process. Global population grids at 250m of spatial resolution by integrating EO-derived built-up areas with global census sources from CIESIN.
- Global spatial baseline data on built-up areas from Sentinel sensors (10m): Global built-up areas detection and characterization using Sentinel 2 data of the EU Copernicus program. 10m spatial resolution, yearly updates starting from 2019.
- Global spatial baseline data on built-up based on integrating different sensors: Global built-up areas detection and characterization using Sentinel 1 and 2 data of the EU Copernicus program, with 10m spatial resolution, yearly updates starting from 2019.
- Global settlement classification schema and indicators: harmonized definition of the spatial extension the global human settlements based on density of population and built-up infrastructures. Rural-urban continuous. City-level aggregation of exposure, impact, and accessibility indicators.
- Global high-resolution age-structured population maps 2000-2022: Through funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the WorldPop project ( will lead construction of global population distribution maps for the 2000- 2020 period.
- Global settlement classification schema and indicators: harmonized definition of the spatial extension of global human settlements based on density of population and built-up infrastructures. Rural-urban continuous. City-level aggregation of exposure, impact, and accessibility indicators.
- Regional and national show cases: Processing of national image archive for national based built-up.
- Human Planet Web Platform Description: HPI communication web platform hosted possibly through the GEO secretariat. The HPI will promote the exchange of data and the access of HPI product to partners, scientists, expert groups, and decision-makers. HPI fast data web visualization interface (HPI-WVI), based on JEODPP technology hosted at JRC IT facilities.
- Human Planet Atlas releases: Periodic publication of the Human Planet Atlas (HPA) to present the initiative’s core evidence and derived indicators. The Atlas includes a facts-and-figures section, a cross-cutting thematic section, and an executive summary delivering periodic key messages and narratives based on the core evidence and derived indicators.