Earth Observations for multi-scale monitoring of mining impacts

Earth Observations for multi-scale monitoring of mining impacts

The Challenge

GEOMIN activity is to increase awareness and use of state-of-the-art EO data and methods which represent a novel means for sustainable monitoring and management of mineral resources and efficient multi-scale monitoring mining impacts.

The Solution

Mining life cycle (exploration, extraction, closure, mine-site rehabilitation) needs to develop minimal impact exploration and monitoring technologies. In this respect EO and relevant in-situ data bring significant contribution for both, sustainable management of mineral resources and efficient multi-scale monitoring of mining impacts. To tackle some of these challenges our initiative will focus on the following strategic areas:

  • Show-casting state of the art EO methods depending on the scale of mining
  • Promoting interoperable strategies and other relevant standards for spectral in-situ data collection
  • Demonstrating and communicating cutting edge EO data and methods
  • Promoting freely available EO data, platforms and tools

Latest Developments

GEOMIN is promoting and demonstrating new EO based use cases, tools, products and services developed for monitoring and sustainable management of mineral resources and efficient multi-scale monitoring mining impacts.

Our Impact

In 2021 UNEP/GRID-Geneva and the Minamata Convention on Mercury have collaborated to draft a technical guidance document aiming at showing the benefits and challenges of the use of remote sensing technologies to support artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) policy development, implementation, and evaluation ; as well as a practitioner’s guide. The documents can be downloaded from here. A storymap illustrates the findings of the work.


For more information about the Earth Observations for multi-scale monitoring of mining impacts please contact GEO Secretariat