31 October, Monday
16:00 - 17:30 (LT)
Main Auditorium

Youth Track: Industry and Youth Tracks joint event

Since 2019 and 2021, respectively, GEO Week has included an Industry Track and a Youth Track, both with the goal of bringing new perspectives and new people together in the GEO community. This session will provide space for discussions about career opportunities and entrepreneurship for young people in the fast-growing geospatial sector, including Earth observation.

There will be short talks from early career professionals and industry representatives about their work experience and tips on how to boost your career. This will be followed by an open, interactive discussion where everybody is encouraged to express themselves, moderated by one representative from each track. The objective is to gather both communities around this year’s GEO Week theme which is “Global Action for Local Impact”.

An informal networking event will take place where the discussion can be continued. It will be held outside the Accra International Conference Center, more information about the venue will be circulated in advance, everybody is welcome to join.


Main Auditorium

16:00 - 17:30 (LT)
10 min

Introduction by session Co-Chairs

Thokozile Miya & Kamal Ramsingh

30 min

Lightning talks (5-6 total, each lasting 5 minutes)

  • Pauline Okeyo (Esri)
  • Irene Benito (Planet)
  • Alison Bedoya (GEO Pathways)
  • Albert Momo (Trimble)
  • Arnold Hougham (Pinkmatter)
45 min

Open discussion

Thokozile Miya & Kamal Ramsingh

10 min

Closing remarks + networking event logistics announcement

Speakers & Panelists

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