25 October, Friday
10:00 - 11:30 (LT)
Organiser: GEO BON

Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean (POGO) Observing biology and ecosystems in the ocean for effective biodiversity conservation


This event will share the latest developments, including capacity development opportunities and challenges, concerning existing, new and emerging technologies and methods for observing biology and ecosystem Essential Ocean Variables (EOVs), including metrics for biodiversity and relevant environmental parameters. We aim to highlight their high potential for supporting the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Biodiversity Framework.

We explain the relevance of the EOVs as the fundamental data building blocks needed to develop Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs: time series of biodiversity metrics at a location or as series of maps). These observations are fundamental to advance and implement marine life forecasts and scenario planning. Monitoring biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, and associated environmental parameters in the ocean underpins almost all of the 23 global targets.


  • Sophie Seeyave, Partnership for Observation of the Global Ocean
  • Joana Soares, Marine Biodiversity Observing Network
  • Francisco Arias, Institute of Marine and Coastal Research, Colombia
  • Ward Appeltans, Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS), IODE/IOC-UNESCO;
  • Emma Heslop, Global Ocean Observing System, GOOS, IOC-UNESCO
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