The successful utilization of Earth observations resources to solve humankind’s most pressing problems occurs when there is a sense of belonging for all individuals that enables them to share ideas and experiences as well as foster innovative solutions. Attracting and retaining participation by a diversity of people from all sectors, regions and backgrounds can however be challenging for a global, broadly scoped network like GEO. This session, organized by GEO’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion sub-group, will highlight how various GEO initiatives and groups have been successful in attracting a diverse set of people and contributions. These case studies will be used to open a discussion on how GEO could better support the development of a more dynamic, diverse, and inclusive Earth observation community in which everyone is given the opportunity to participate and benefit.
Short presentations and questions will be followed by a facilitated discussion. The discussion will mention, whenever possible, tools, courses, or other resources that the GWP activities can leverage or implement to increase EDI.
Session Co-Chair:
Justyna Nicinska - (US)
Attracting a diverse set of people and contributions - examples from EuroGEO
Bente Bye - EuroGEO - (Norway)
Diversity in GEO - a regional GEO perspective
Stuart Marsh - EDI SG - (UK)
Including women to preserve the mangroves of Zanzibar
Ummul-Kulthum M. Ali - DEA - (Tanzania)
The GEO Youth Community of Practice: how to advance GEO’s inclusion of young voices
Florian Franziskakis - (GEOSEC)
Towards a National GEO: Peru Mapathon-2021
Amber Kremer - AmeriGEO - (US)
The GEO Indigenous Alliance: best practices for Indigenous engagement
James Rattling Leaf Sr. - GEO Indigenous Alliance - (US)