26 October, Saturday
10:00 - 11:30 (LT)
Organiser: GEO BON

Genetic diversity indicator and implementation


The focus of this event will be monitoring Genetic Diversity, one of the three elements of biodiversity, a key part of Goal A and Target 4 of the KMBGF, and an important part of the KMBGF Monitoring Framework. The purpose of this workshop will be a general information and engagement session for delegates. We will start with a brief introduction to the importance of genetic diversity, including core concepts that explain why genetic diversity is fundamental for biodiversity conservation. We will then explain the science behind the indicators and how they are being tested, including some support tools available (such as tools available through BON in a Box). We will finish on the need to include genetic diversity in NBSAPs. This brief talk will be followed by an interactive session on how to establish and implement a monitoring program and tools needed.


  • Dr. Alicia Mastretta-Yanes, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Dr. Sean Hoban, the Morton Arboretum
  • Dr. Deborah Leigh, Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL
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