21 October, Monday
16:45 - 18:15 (LT)
Organiser: GEO BON

GBiOS connecting national and regional monitoring


GEO BON and its partner institutions have proposed the establishment of a global biodiversity observing system (GBiOS). GBiOS would interlink and federate existing capacities and organizations to monitor what, where and why biodiversity is changing. The network would progressively grow to help realize the targets and goals of the KM-GBF. National biodiversity observation networks (BONs) are proposed as key units that would make up GBiOS, analogous to the national weather agencies and climate observing networks that are key units in the WMO’s Integrated Global Observation System (WIGOS). Regional and thematic BONs (e.g., on freshwater, soils or marine systems) play key roles to integrate across scales.



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