24 October, Thursday
18:30 - 20:00 (LT)
Organiser: GEO

Empowering Countries through Knowledge Sharing with CBD Regional Support Centers


This event will explore how CBD Regional Support Centers can play a critical role in promoting uptake and use of the Global Ecosystems Atlas at local, regional and national scales. Participants will discuss how regional support centers can integrate the Atlas into National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) and regional initiatives.

The event will also highlight how these centers can facilitate capacity-building efforts connecting with those undertaken with the GKSSB, ensuring countries have the tools and knowledge necessary to meet their GBF targets. Key stakeholders from biodiversity monitoring and policy implementation will discuss how the Atlas, with the support of regional centers, can be effectively utilised to enhance global conservation and restoration.


  • Mandy Driver, Technical Strategy Lead, Global Ecosystems Atlas
  • Grégoire Dubois, Project Leader, Knowledge Centre for Biodiversity of the European Commission
  • Gilles Doignon, Team Leader Biodiversity & Nature-Based Solutions, European Commission
  • Melissa de Kock, Deputy Director, UNEP-WCMC. Women for Environment Africa.
  • Yana Gevorgyan, Secretariat Director, GEO
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