Sergio Cinnirella

Sergio Cinnirella

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Sergio Cinnirella is senior researcher at CNR-IIA  ( He has 30 years of experience being involved in several national and international projects (EUROCAT, MERCYMS, ELME) as task leader on GIS and database development, statistical analysis of environmental data, remote sensing techniques and assessment of environmental strategies for the implementation of European policies. Sergio has been workpackage leader of EU projects on the global mercury monitoring network (GMOS, IGOSP) leading a team on the data e-infrastructure and is leading the Showcase on Health Surveillance in E-SHAPE. He is Italian delegate in the Minamata Convention on Mercury since COP3. Sergio has been component of the GEOSS 4th Evaluation Team aimed to evaluate the GEOSS Workplan implementation and now is part of the GEO Data Working Group. He is member of the team implementing the GEO GOS4M Flagship.

Participation in GEO Activities