Gayane Faye

Gayane Faye

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Gayane FAYE has a PhD in remote Sensing (optic and radar) for Biosphere monitoring in 2013 in Cheikh Anta Diop Dakar University (UCAD-Senegal) in collaboration with Paris-Est Marne-la-vallée University (France). He did a post-doctoral research at the Centre de Suivi Ecologique, where he worked in burned area and agriculture monitoring. His involvement in those two tasks allowed him to get much experience in research and development.

Dr Gayane joined Cheikh Anta Diop University in 2015 as a teacher, researcher and Director of Applied Remote Sensing Laboratory (Laboratoire de Télédétection Appliquée-LTA). The main areas of expertise of Dr. FAYE are environment monitoring (burned area, vegetation, agriculture, soil moisture, ..) with geospatial data (optical and radar). Dr FAYE has great experience in multidisciplinary research by participating in international research consortium that allowed him to have much ability to work in teams.