European Association of Remote Sensing Companies

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Events Involvements & Statements

  • GEO Week 2022

    04 Nov 2022 Accra, Ghana, Republic of

    The European Earth Observation private sector is committed to supporting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the three global priority engagement areas of GEO. EARSC is convinced that the effective combination of governments, academia and private sector is fundamental to achieving these goals. EARSC’s involvement as a GEO Participating Organisation has resulted in a marked increase in the interest of European companies in GEO.

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    Emmanuel Pajot

    EARSC Secretary General
    Statement illustration

    As EARSC Chair, I consider it very important to maintain a sustained dialogue with organizations such as GEO and therefore it is a great asset to have EARSC as single voice representing and putting forward the perspective of the European EO services industry

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    Marc Tondriaux

    EARSC chair representing the Board of Directors
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    The EU Copernicus programme is a key asset contributing to GEO. Through its involvement in EuroGEO and within the EuroGEOSS showcases project, e-shape, EARSC is leading the user uptake, capacity building and liaison activities supporting the GEO Work programme. EARSC is supporting the engagement of the private sector in GEO working groups and recently contributed to the Mapping the Engagement of the 2020-2022 GEO Work Programme in Climate Action, Disaster Risk Reduction, and Capacity Development.

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    EARSC is committed to highlighting the significant value delivered by EO data and services to citizens, corporations and governments. EARSC actively stimulates the uptake of services based on satellite data, to bring the benefits of space to society” EARSC strengths the relations with users “Copa-Cogeca works to ensure that all farmers and agricooperatives have access to a wide range of safe technologies that will enable EU agriculture to improve on sustainability whilst remaining competitive. Working hand in hand with EARSC to bring to the public debate the challenges and opportunities for the agricultural sector is a privilege. We work together to identify the farmers' needs and discuss the potential of EO

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    Daniel Azevedo

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  • GEO Week 2023

    10 Nov 2023 Cape Town, South Africa, Republic of

    The European Earth Observation private sector is committed to supporting the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the three global priority engagement areas of GEO. EARSC is convinced that the effective combination of governments, academia and private sector is fundamental to achieving these goals. EARSC’s involvement as a GEO Participating Organisation has resulted in a marked increase in the interest of European companies in GEO.

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    Emmanuel Pajot

    Secretary General - EARSC
    Statement illustration

    As EARSC Chair, I consider it very important to maintain a sustained dialogue with organizations such as GEO and therefore it is a great asset to have EARSC as single voice representing and putting forward the perspective of the European EO services industry.

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    Marc Tondriaux

    Chair representing the Board of Directors - EARSC
    Statement illustration

    The EU Copernicus programme is a key asset contributing to GEO. Through its involvement in EuroGEO and within the EuroGEOSS showcases project, e-shape, EARSC is leading the user uptake, capacity building and liaison activities supporting the GEO Work programme. EARSC is supporting the engagement of the private sector in GEO working groups and recently contributed to the Mapping the Engagement of the 2020-2022 GEO Work Programme in Climate Action, Disaster Risk Reduction, and Capacity Development.

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    Mónica Miguel-Lago

    Senior Project Officer - EARSC
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    EARSC is committed to highlighting the significant value delivered by EO data and services to citizens, corporations and governments. EARSC actively stimulates the uptake of services based on satellite data, to bring the benefits of space to society.

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    EARSC secretariat

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