What We Offer

Value Proposition

Our Unique Strengths

GEO is governed by nations

GEO is governed by nations

As an intergovernmental body, GEO is steered by the collective will of governments. This fosters a high level of trust and ensures that our Earth Intelligence solutions are not just innovative but also reliable and actionable.

GEO is a collaboration of expertise

GEO is a collaboration of expertise

Our global network spans multiple disciplines and sectors, making us a hub for transdisciplinary knowledge and solutions. Unlike other coordination frameworks, GEO’s cross-sectoral approach amplifies our value, enabling us to address complex challenges with nuanced, demand-driven solutions.

GEO operates across scales

GEO operates across scales

Our reach extends from the global to the local, offering insights that are both broad and deep. This scalability allows us to be agile, responsive, and innovative, adapting to the ever-changing dynamics of our planet.

GEO is a living ecosystem of inclusivity

GEO is a living ecosystem of inclusivity

We pride ourselves on being an inclusive organization that welcomes a diverse range of stakeholders—from governmental bodies to non-profit organizations, from scientific experts to decision-makers, as well as local communities and indigenous peoples.

By incorporating voices from the grassroots to the global stage, we ensure a more holistic, equitable, and culturally sensitive approach to Earth observation and planetary care.

By joining GEO, you’re not just gaining access to a wealth of Earth data; you’re becoming part of a global movement committed to ensuring a sustainable future for all. Our inclusivity amplifies our collective impact, allowing us to share invaluable insights and contribute to a thriving, inclusive planet for everyone.